ceej's homepage

Welcome to your home, ceej. To update this page, connect to ichi's sftp server.

ceej: Aw, thanks for the warm welcome! I haven't honestly used sftp that much before so it'll been fun to use it in this context. Looking forward to creating something here!

amygdala: And what are you going to create here? You already have a blog and a personal website. Lest we forget that Mastodon account? Why add more digital detritus atop digital detritus?

ceej: Why is it your concern what I build here? Can something not just 'be' without the 'cause' just yet? No because? No what? No why? Can I not just...

oh, apologies for the interruption. My amygdala has no manners. Not that clusters of nuclei are supposed to have...

Do enter please! Things are still a bit messy but I'm sure it'll be spruced up in no time.

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Hearing some music?
